1. Price and Quality
When companies choose a carrier, one of their primary considerations is price. But as an importer or exporter who wants to get your orders delivered on time and without damage/losses- you need more than just low costs! You should make sure that the company has experience with international shipping (and isn’t based out located in some remote corner), can provide 24 hour tracking information through its website so there’s no worry about losing something during transport; plus if possible modern technology such as “euronics” which uses microwaves within containers rather than traditional radio waves for communicating between ships at sea — this will save energy while also making navigation safer because messages don’t get lost due
Choosing the least expensive carrier could save you some money at first, but in reality it’ll end up costing more.
2. Delivery Times
Transit time must be one of your top priorities while choosing a carrier, as this directly impacts your business. Imagine how terrible it would feel to wait weeks for a package that never arrived. That’s why we always make sure our shipments arrive as quickly as possible. It is vital to select a carrier based on their Estimated Transit Time (ETT) between two regions. You’ll want to choose a carrier whose ETT fits your supply chain requirements.
3. Reliability
Choosing a low-cost carrier to save a few dollars could do more harm than good. A reliable carrier is as much a part of building your organisation’s reputation as your own team. Before choosing the carrier, it is essential to ensure that the carrier is highly reliable.
4. Safety
When you are choosing a carrier, they will take care of your shipment and make sure that it arrives safely. However there could be some things worth checking before hand in order for the process go as smoothly possible!
What does safety look like? It means having an experienced team on board.
5. Sustainability
As businesses and customers become more environmentally conscious, carriers are expected to demonstrate their environmental commitment. As customers are ready to pay extra and buy from companies following sustainable practices, many organisations are prioritising sustainability in every link of the supply chain.
Sustainability is no longer a trend but a standard that companies are quickly adapting to. You need to choose a carrier that follows sustainability practices and focuses on reducing the ecological impact. Partnering with such carriers can show your commitment to the environment and help build your supply chain image among your customers.
Common problems
Delayed shipments are not uncommon in ocean shipping. But even a few days’ delays could mean a considerable loss of revenue at times, and this is where selecting the right carrier could make all the difference. When choosing a carrier, it is essential to decide based on the company’s supply chain needs, we hope these factors above help you get a head start in that decision making process.
1. Price and Quality
When companies choose a carrier, one of their primary considerations is price. But as an importer or exporter who wants to get your orders delivered on time and without damage/losses- you need more than just low costs! You should make sure that the company has experience with international shipping (and isn’t based out located in some remote corner), can provide 24 hour tracking information through its website so there’s no worry about losing something during transport; plus if possible modern technology such as “euronics” which uses microwaves within containers rather than traditional radio waves for communicating between ships at sea — this will save energy while also making navigation safer because messages don’t get lost due
Choosing the least expensive carrier could save you some money at first, but in reality it’ll end up costing more.
2. Delivery Times
Transit time must be one of your top priorities while choosing a carrier, as this directly impacts your business. Imagine how terrible it would feel to wait weeks for a package that never arrived. That’s why we always make sure our shipments arrive as quickly as possible. It is vital to select a carrier based on their Estimated Transit Time (ETT) between two regions. You’ll want to choose a carrier whose ETT fits your supply chain requirements.
3. Reliability
Choosing a low-cost carrier to save a few dollars could do more harm than good. A reliable carrier is as much a part of building your organisation’s reputation as your own team. Before choosing the carrier, it is essential to ensure that the carrier is highly reliable.
4. Safety
When you are choosing a carrier, they will take care of your shipment and make sure that it arrives safely. However there could be some things worth checking before hand in order for the process go as smoothly possible!
What does safety look like? It means having an experienced team on board.
5. Sustainability
As businesses and customers become more environmentally conscious, carriers are expected to demonstrate their environmental commitment. As customers are ready to pay extra and buy from companies following sustainable practices, many organisations are prioritising sustainability in every link of the supply chain.
Sustainability is no longer a trend but a standard that companies are quickly adapting to. You need to choose a carrier that follows sustainability practices and focuses on reducing the ecological impact. Partnering with such carriers can show your commitment to the environment and help build your supply chain image among your customers.
Common problems
Delayed shipments are not uncommon in ocean shipping. But even a few days’ delays could mean a considerable loss of revenue at times, and this is where selecting the right carrier could make all the difference. When choosing a carrier, it is essential to decide based on the company’s supply chain needs, we hope these factors above help you get a head start in that decision making process.
1. Price and Quality
When companies choose a carrier, one of their primary considerations is price. But as an importer or exporter who wants to get your orders delivered on time and without damage/losses- you need more than just low costs! You should make sure that the company has experience with international shipping (and isn’t based out located in some remote corner), can provide 24 hour tracking information through its website so there’s no worry about losing something during transport; plus if possible modern technology such as “euronics” which uses microwaves within containers rather than traditional radio waves for communicating between ships at sea — this will save energy while also making navigation safer because messages don’t get lost due
Choosing the least expensive carrier could save you some money at first, but in reality it’ll end up costing more.
2. Delivery Times
Transit time must be one of your top priorities while choosing a carrier, as this directly impacts your business. Imagine how terrible it would feel to wait weeks for a package that never arrived. That’s why we always make sure our shipments arrive as quickly as possible. It is vital to select a carrier based on their Estimated Transit Time (ETT) between two regions. You’ll want to choose a carrier whose ETT fits your supply chain requirements.
3. Reliability
Choosing a low-cost carrier to save a few dollars could do more harm than good. A reliable carrier is as much a part of building your organisation’s reputation as your own team. Before choosing the carrier, it is essential to ensure that the carrier is highly reliable.
4. Safety
When you are choosing a carrier, they will take care of your shipment and make sure that it arrives safely. However there could be some things worth checking before hand in order for the process go as smoothly possible!
What does safety look like? It means having an experienced team on board.
5. Sustainability
As businesses and customers become more environmentally conscious, carriers are expected to demonstrate their environmental commitment. As customers are ready to pay extra and buy from companies following sustainable practices, many organisations are prioritising sustainability in every link of the supply chain.
Sustainability is no longer a trend but a standard that companies are quickly adapting to. You need to choose a carrier that follows sustainability practices and focuses on reducing the ecological impact. Partnering with such carriers can show your commitment to the environment and help build your supply chain image among your customers.
Common problems
Delayed shipments are not uncommon in ocean shipping. But even a few days’ delays could mean a considerable loss of revenue at times, and this is where selecting the right carrier could make all the difference. When choosing a carrier, it is essential to decide based on the company’s supply chain needs, we hope these factors above help you get a head start in that decision making process.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc non fringilla velit. Nulla pellentesque magna sed arcu tristique placerat. Sed diam purus, varius ut elit sed, fringilla maximus diam. Suspendisse dignissim dui eget auctor venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut mi dui, iaculis ut dui non, sagittis elementum lacus. Duis diam mi, cursus vitae faucibus in, dapibus non lorem. Vivamus non magna id lectus condimentum molestie sed non enim. Phasellus in ante ac est accumsan pretium.
Fusce elementum mi vel consectetur posuere. Vestibulum tincidunt et tortor id luctus. Maecenas ac tempor mauris. Ut ac eros id sem tincidunt mollis dignissim ac ante. Praesent pellentesque porttitor aliquet. Suspendisse dapibus scelerisque lorem vel interdum. Pellentesque quis varius odio, vel finibus arcu. Aenean id porttitor mi. Integer vestibulum ipsum eget dui gravida, eu mollis lorem tristique. In dignissim, risus id venenatis gravida, magna nulla ornare augue, quis placerat eros nisi sit amet tortor. Suspendisse vitae interdum urna. Aliquam elit mauris, euismod at finibus eu, pulvinar consequat enim. Cras convallis lectus nec ultrices egestas. Suspendisse tellus sem, interdum nec malesuada ut, rhoncus ut ante.
Integer auctor mi vel ex lacinia
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus ante neque, feugiat ac erat sit amet, gravida venenatis dolor. Aliquam fermentum eleifend turpis non sodales. Etiam nulla metus, placerat vitae tristique eu, feugiat sed ex. Etiam ullamcorper nibh ut laoreet vestibulum. Fusce egestas accumsan lacinia. Sed consequat sapien ut urna vehicula, sed fringilla dolor porta. Praesent elementum convallis mi sit amet condimentum. Nam varius odio non aliquam vulputate.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Morbi finibus tellus id elit ornare aliquam. Nulla augue turpis, ultrices nec tortor nec, luctus rutrum eros. Pellentesque fermentum lorem dui, eget dictum ante vestibulum vitae. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque est turpis, dignissim nec magna ut, vehicula laoreet nunc. Morbi in varius est, ut volutpat tellus. Morbi varius feugiat dui, sit amet rutrum elit porta ut. Quisque semper felis ac est volutpat iaculis. Integer nunc augue, sagittis at diam at, cursus scelerisque enim.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Morbi finibus tellus id elit ornare aliquam. Nulla augue turpis, ultrices nec tortor nec, luctus rutrum eros. Pellentesque fermentum lorem dui, eget dictum ante vestibulum vitae. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque est turpis, dignissim nec magna ut, vehicula laoreet nunc. Morbi in varius est, ut volutpat tellus. Morbi varius feugiat dui, sit amet rutrum elit porta ut. Quisque semper felis ac est volutpat iaculis. Integer nunc augue, sagittis at diam at, cursus scelerisque enim.
Mauris eu sapien sed ante consectetur
Proin pulvinar eget quam ut cursus. Nunc a laoreet ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Integer auctor mi vel ex lacinia faucibus. Aliquam maximus porta tortor. Ut cursus enim lorem, a molestie diam porta eget. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer tristique commodo tristique. Sed dictum at ante nec cursus. Proin vehicula vel lacus sed laoreet.
Curabitur viverra eros leo, nec aliquam felis gravida id. Sed ligula leo, pharetra sed neque ac, malesuada condimentum orci. Proin eget lectus maximus, venenatis neque et, posuere velit. Donec pretium odio vel metus vehicula ornare. Maecenas ultrices dolor id lectus faucibus, non venenatis tortor lacinia. Aenean quis iaculis elit. Sed at convallis lectus, eu pretium nisl.
- Mauris eu sapien sed ante consectetur
- Mauris eu sapien sed ante consectetur
- Mauris eu sapien sed ante consectetur
- Mauris eu sapien sed ante consectetur
- Mauris eu sapien sed ante consectetur
Phasellus venenatis sagittis mi, ac varius augue varius ut. Etiam porta risus a hendrerit gravida. Morbi vitae turpis finibus, mollis nunc facilisis, dapibus felis. Nulla placerat eleifend lacinia. Aliquam eu ornare neque. Nunc ultricies quam vitae placerat vestibulum. Donec vitae euismod sem. Mauris fringilla gravida pellentesque. Nunc at est ex. Aliquam ut fermentum velit, vel bibendum nulla. Ut tincidunt maximus libero eleifend tincidunt. Aenean dui enim, dignissim nec tellus nec, vehicula gravida elit.